What Makes Sage Plus’ Weight Loss Programs Different?
Our wellness centre is all about optimization. Through analyzing your lab work and collaborating with other clinical services, we can create flexible healthy eating plans to push past the plateaus you have been stuck at. Each one of our weight loss plans is unique to each individual.
Your weight loss journey isn’t one dimensional, and healthy eating and exercise are just a piece of the equation. We address many other issues surrounding weight management such as mental blocks, general wellness, your health status, stress levels and many other factors.
Lifestyle changes are hard, which is why most Canadians fail to continue their healthy eating habits. Our weight loss program works with your lifestyle, so whether you travel a lot, have a 12 hour desk job, eat alone or have another type of lifestyle, we develop a plan that compliments you. We work with you to ensure you won’t have to give up what you love to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Depending on your health status, our wellness program might be sponsored by Alberta Health Services. Health care is important so we try to cater to our Calgary community as much as possible.
Healthy Eating Strategies
Healthy eating is the key when trying to lose weight. No matter how much exercise and physical activity you do, if you aren’t eating for your body and consuming the right combinations of foods, your body won’t be able to burn what you’re taking in.
The success to healthy eating is that you actually enjoy the food you eat. Our meal plans take your taste and preferences into consideration so that eating healthy doesn’t have to be unpleasant.
We also look at your DNA to optimize your weight loss journey. What kinds of nutrients does your body need? What type of macros keep you utilizing energy efficiently? Our DNA testing helps us determine conditions specific to you and develop a menu that works for you.
Drop-in to our wellness centre today! We are here to be your support service and health service. At Sage Plus your overall well being is our primary concern, while we can focus on helping you lose weight we will follow-up on any other health concerns you may have.
Personalized Exercise Strategies
We’re proud to offer personalized exercise strategy services for 2020! We’ve teamed up with Geoff Starling of Every Body STRONGER to provide personalized exercise plans for our clients. We strongly believe that these plans will help you reach your fitness goals!
Geoff is a certified strength and conditioning specialist (CSCS) and a firm believer that having a personalized exercise plan for your body is the best way to get the most out of every workout.
To help determine which exercises will be most effective for you, we use our Genomics DNA testing services to determine which exercises will work best for your body. With that information, Geoff will be able to develop a personalized exercise plan for you and help you maintain a good exercise routine. For more information about our personalized exercise plan services, contact us today!